Wednesday, May 2, 2007

It's out!

Monday night I wandered into the Barnes & Noble at Lincoln Center, walked up to the information desk, and asked if they had a book by the title Odd Jobs. I felt like some sort of undercover spy, though of course I didn't really have to work at not being recognized. The glory of being a first-time published author is mostly a very private sort of glory-- the kind that sends a surge of excitement through your innards but that doesn't require shaded sunglasses or a team of body guards. It's not like I have a flock of fans chasing me with the book in one hand and a pen in the other begging for my autograph. Actually, that sounds kind of nice . . . where are you, fan club?

Anyway, I waited not so patiently as the young man clicked away at his keyboard. "It's by Gehring," I said. "G-E-H. . . I'm not sure if it's out yet or not." He was quiet (except for the clacking) for long enough that I was sure he couldn't find anything about it. Maybe he would say there was no record of the book, was I sure that was the title? Maybe Barnes & Noble had changed their mind and they weren't buying any copies after all. . .

Suddenly he wheeled around and started walking away. He stopped after a few paces, turned back, and jerked his head for me to follow. Around a shelf, down an aisle, and. . . there it was! I wanted to hug him, to grab a copy and run around the store hollering "It's out! This is my book and it's out! I spent every night for months writing this and now it's here!" Instead I just thanked him, picked it up, flipped through it, turned the stack to face outwards so they'd be more obvious (sorry B&N employees. . . this probably drives you crazy), and walked away.

So that's that. The book is out. Ask at your local bookstore to see if they have it yet. And when you find it, let me know what you think!


Anna said...

it's also on amazon


Abigail said...

That's right. Thanks, Anna!

Anonymous said...

Hi Abigail,

I bought your book. It's not only entertaining, but I think that I might try some of the jobs in your book.

Thanks for adding a few that I've never heard of!

Chris aka Chochem the 800 Year Old Wiseman on myspace

Abigail said...

Thanks, Chris! I'm glad you're enjoying the book. I hope you have success with whatever jobs you decide to try.

Anonymous said...

I bought your book and read your book and I think it might have some helpful pointers for odd jobs I might want to do. I'll definitely be pointing it out.

I was disheartened to read in the foreword to your book, "Now, as I adjust to my first-ever 9-to-5 office job" which implies you're pretty much done with odd jobs. While I feel you are under no compulsion to hold an odd job for the rest of your life, it did read a little like, "I'm giving up on odd jobs, they just don't make enough money to be worthwhile, but before I do, think I'll see if I can wring a little extra money out by writing a book about my experiences." Hardly encouraging.

Abigail said...

Hello Pat,
Actually, I still do the occasional odd job, as I also mention in the foreword. The point is that even regular office job sorts can spice up their routine (and fill out their wallets) by joining a focus group for an evening, painting faces on a Saturday, or starting up their own vermiculture business! I've been a full-time and a part-time odd jobber . . . both ways have their perks and downsides.

Anonymous said...

G'day Abigail, love the odd jobs book, downloaded ebook version to my phone, and only $5 for so much info,....TOP STUFF,
Have a great day. :)

Mick, Darwin NT, Australia.

Abigail said...

Hi Mick,

So glad you like it! Hope it leads you to some great money-making adventures.



Bobbi A. said...

I was shopping in Sams Club and just had to buy your book. I, myself have had a lot of odd jobs since I was 16 and I am only 22 now. ( I once was Smokey the Bear!) But I really could relate to your book, and I appreciate it so much.
Great Book!!!!!!!!

Bobbi A. said...

Forgot to add that I bought it today!

Anonymous said...

I was very happy to stumble upon your book in the library during this frustrating season of underemployment in my life. I've read about 70% of it. (the gigs I was interested in.) I have found it to be a much needed hope and mood booster. Thanks!